Under the Blood Red Sun (film screening with Q&A session via Skype), Saturday, Nov. 1, at 3:30 p.m., at Wesley United Methodist Church, 566 N. Fifth Street
San Jose.
The Japanese American Museum of San Jose (JAMsj) is pleased to present the first mainland U.S. screening of Under the Blood Red Sun, a new dramatic feature film based on the popular novel by Graham Salisbury. The film release coincides with Random House’s publication of the 20th anniversary edition of the book.
Set on the island of Oahu in 1941, during the days following Japan’s surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, Under the Blood Red Sun is a story of courage, loyalty, and the enduring friendship between two teenage boys. Thirteen-year old Tomikazu (Tomi) Nakaji and his best friend Billy Davis are playing baseball when, overhead, they see the blood-red sun emblem on amber fighter planes, signaling Japan’s surprise attack on nearby Pearl Harbor. Tomi’s father and grandfather, both Japanese Americans, are arrested and taken away. His mother loses her job because she is Japanese. Frightened and ashamed of his ancestral land, Tomi is quickly forced to become the man of the family.
Directed by Tim Savage, the film is produced by Dana Satler Hankins and features an award-winning cast, including Kyler Ki Sakamoto, Kalama Epstein, Dann Seki, Autumn Ogawa, Wil Kahele, and Chris Tashima.
Following the screening, actor Chris Tashima (Los Angeles) and producer Dana Satler Hankins (Honolulu) will participate in a Q&A session via Skype*.